Marksman Australia

Marksman Australia

Marksman Logistics Australia

With increase in demand, Marksman Logistics have decided to expand internationally with opening our first overseas office in Melbourne, Australia.
We offer personalised services to meet each customer’s supply chain requirement and provide tailored solutions to meet their specific needs.

Sea freight

Sea freight service is used for transport of goods between ports. It is widely considered form of shipping due to its cost-efficiency compare of other modes, approximately 3-5 times cheaper than air freight.

Marksman’s expertise helps customers to compare and choose the best shipping methods based on volume & weight of cargo, transit time, and other various service factors.

Why Choose Sea freight with Marksman?
  • 01 Cost-Effective Solutions

    Sea freight offers a cost-effective alternative for large shipments. At Marksman, we optimize routes and services to provide you with the most economical sea freight solutions.

  • 02 Sustainable Shipping

    Join us in our commitment to sustainability. Sea freight is inherently more environmentally friendly, and we take pride in contributing to a greener future through our sea freight services.

  • 03 Comprehensive Services

    Our sea freight services extend beyond transportation. We handle documentation, customs clearance, and any other complexities, ensuring a comprehensive solution for your shipping needs.


Airfreight service is chosen when you need to send or receive cargo urgently and time is the most important factor. Even with additional cost, various factors such as reliability of service, not being bound by road/maritime congestion, and reduced travel time makes airfreight service an attractive option.

Why Choose Air Freight with Marksman?
  • 01 Time Efficiency

    Air freight is synonymous with speed, and we take it a step further. Your cargo will be airborne and on its way to the destination at the earliest possible time, minimizing transit durations.

  • 02 Global Network of Partners

    Our established partnerships with leading airlines and ground handlers worldwide enable us to provide a seamless and reliable air freight experience.

  • 03 Cargo Safety and Security

    Rest assured, your cargo is handled with the utmost care and attention to security. Our commitment to safety ensures your valuable shipments are protected throughout the journey.

In-House Customs Brokerage

When handled correctly, customs clearance is a smooth operation, with cargo cleared through Australian Border Force (ABF), and Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). It is important to find a customs brokerage who is knowledgeable in all aspects of shipping.
At Marksman, with our own in-house customs brokerage team, we are here to help with compliance of our customers supply chain.

Why Choose Marksman for Customs Brokerage?
  • 01 Regulatory Expertise

    Our team of customs experts boasts in-depth knowledge of international trade regulations. Trust us to navigate the complexities of customs clearance, ensuring that your shipments meet all legal requirements.

  • 02 Time and Cost Savings

    Efficient customs clearance means less time in transit and reduced costs. Marksman is committed to maximizing your savings through prompt and accurate customs brokerage services.

  • 03 Personalized Consultation

    Every business is unique, and so are its customs needs. Benefit from personalized consultation services, where our experts guide you through the intricacies of customs brokerage, helping you make informed decisions.

With our experience and reputation of reliability, the team is dedicated to provide the best possible service to our customers by offering competitive rates and timely delivery of goods. At Marksman, we strive to be the best freight company and deliver world-class logistics services.

  • Address

    10 Deauville Lane, Deer Park, Vic, Australia (3023)

  • Tel

    +61 3 8352 0367

  • Fax

    +61 3 8007 3831