

  • Full Container Load (FCL)

    We specialise in all types of sea transport such as 20FT/40FT/Oversized Container/DG Cargo.

    Based on size and characteristics of the cargo, we design the most efficient and cost-effective solution (man-to-man service) to provide the highest level of satisfaction to our clients.

  • Less Than Container Load (LCL)

    We provide competitive pricing and fast transit time solution to our clients whose shipments do not require a full container load of capacity through consolidating various cargoes of different origin and destination.

  • Domestic Trucking Service

    Through operating a bonded warehouse (CFS) in Ochang and Oksan (intersection of Gyeongbu Highway and Jungbu Highway) in the center of Korea, we have a great advantage in smooth domestic transport of import and export cargoes.

    Land transport bonded transport license: No. 220274

  • 1 By 3 Principle

    By joining various international networks suitable for the characteristics of cargo, we provide the most efficient and affordable logistics services to all regions of the world.

    We promise a partner operating principle of minimum 3 shipping lines by Alliance in 1 Port & 1 Area.

  • Door-to-Door Service

    We provide perfect, error-free service for all types of Free Domicile (DAP/DDP) in accordance with each country's customs and transportation regulations.

  • Import Specialist Handler

    By analysing the city, country and item you are trying to import, we compare and quote with many (Local, Korean, and Global) partners.